Christian Przybylek
Geographer & Mapmaker
Welcome to Xtian Maps, a blog about geography, maps, and related curiosities. This is a place where I share interesting maps I’ve made or come across and write about exploring our world through the lens of geography.
About Me
I am a seasoned geospatial professional, with a decade of experience working in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), doing GIS-based analysis and map and map-related application development. I work in state government collaborating on GIS solutions supporting critical work in the areas of public safety, infrastructure and economic development.
What I most enjoy about creating maps and apps is the process of finding the balance between a project’s technical considerations and artistic creativity. Cartography is essentially a story telling technology, meant to convey information in an accessible and interesting way.
Here I write about my experience engaging in this process and sharing tips and tricks I have learned along the way. I will also explore topics that are GIS-adjacent, including drones, 3D printing and more general human and physical geography. I have an eclectic array of interests related to geography and cartography and I am excited to share them with you.
If you’re interested in staying connected, please check out my growing YouTube channel and follow along on Instagram (I tend to post most frequently there) - see links below.
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